I was born in Southampton in 1997, lived there my entire life and I still couldn't give you directions on how to navigate the city. At the age of eight I joined the City of Southampton Swimming Club and have been there ever since as coach. Additionally I teach at another Learn to Swim school across the city.
An intrigue for the fantastical and the weird, the incredible and the dark is what led me first to a great love of reading, and then later to writing. Eventually, I graduated with a degree in Creative Writing from the University of Winchester which was the beginning of many stories on this website.
In 2019, I was diagnosed with cancer, the story of which I tell on my blog. I hope it helps someone if they find it.
When at home I live with two parents, three dogs, two fish, and a tortoise. (There are also an indecent number of books and an ever advancing collection of dragons.)
E-Mail: aslanmurphy1497@gmail.com